
In the Spotlight with University of Salford: Innovative Digital and Tech Qualifications Shaping the Future Workforce

全球最大的博彩平台数字公司, we like to interview our members to find out a bit more about what they do and their work in the Greater Manchester digital and technology sp在这里. This week we're speaking with Luke Harrison, Academic Lead – Higher Technical Skills at the University of Salford.

University of Salford推出了新的数字和技术资格证书. Can you elaborate on the specific skills and knowledge these courses will equip graduates with to meet the evolving demands of the digital and tech industry?

我们的高等技术技能课程是为实践而设计的, 这些课程的职业培训, 我们的学生“边做边学”. The qualifications provide a concentrated experience over one or two years and prepare students for immediate employment upon finishing their studies. We are the lead education partner in the Greater Manchester Institute of Technology (GMIoT) which means we are working in partnership with a variety of colleges and employer partners in the city region to develop courses that ensure our learners have real world experience and prepare them for the jobs of the future within the construction, 工程, 卫生和数字部门. 



通过研究这个项目, students will develop a range of both technical and communication skills which will enable them to successfully fulfil the role of a Business Analyst. 该方案是与主要雇主合作设计的,贯穿始终, 学习者将有机会与雇主一起在模拟和现场项目中工作, 发展技能, 知识与经验. The programme is mapped to the Institute for 学徒制 and Technical Education Occupational Standard for Business Analysts, 这意味着它能培养学生的技能, 该领域雇主所要求的知识和行为.


这个项目 engages and inspires future talent to gain employment in a rapidly emerging industry. 电子竞技的基本方面是这门课程的基石, 与基层网络社区合作, 电子竞技赛事组织者, 游戏的创新者, 出版商和与国家/国际管理机构合作. 学生在定制的沉浸式环境中学习, 为承载课程的数字要求而构建. 这包括一个电子竞技比赛场地, 广播设备和电子竞技教学实验室, 学习, 和游戏. 


这个项目, 与职业标准相对应, introduces students to the fundamentals of Data Science and data analysis and gives them practical experience working with industry-standard tools, 系统和编程语言. 学生通过动手练习来学习, 小组活动和现场行业简报, 和凌乱的工作, 现实世界的数据集, 具体问题具体分析场景


This DipHE in Automation and Instrumentation offers a comprehensive curriculum covering basic maths, 物理, 编程, 行业4.0、数据采集及自动化原理. 这个项目 is 与职业标准相对应 and prepares students for a flourishing career in the field of industrial automation, 哪些在各个行业都有很高的需求.  

这些新资格的设计背后的想法是什么? 你是如何发现这个行业的技能差距并相应地调整课程的?

大学致力于满足学生和雇主未来的需求, which includes developing a portfolio that can support lifelong 学习 and skills development. 课程的设计是实用的,相关的和真实的. The Higher Technical Skills programmes can also offer a more accessible route through Higher Education as they are shorter and often delivered in a way that means learners can fit other commitments around their studies.

在开发项目方面, 建立GMIoT做了大量的工作, 以及我们自己的新节目, 咨询全国劳动力市场数据, 区域和本地, 让雇主从第一天起就参与进来. 在索尔福德, 我们有完善的行业委员会与我们的学术团队合作, 以及在课程中融入行业参与的悠久历史. 

The course content was advised on by people working in those areas and doing the jobs we want to prepare students to be successful in. 

How will the University of Salford support graduates in transitioning from academia to the workplace? 什么样的职业服务和行业实习是可用的?

在索尔福德的那段时间里, 学生们要做现场简报, 进行工作场所探访, 会见行业演讲嘉宾, and are taught by active practitioners; they are closely connected to the workplaces they want to enter after finishing their studies. 

因为这些课程是实用的,并通过应用学习来教授, the students ‘study’ in the way they will be working when they graduate – the courses are designed to closely mirror what they would be doing in business. 

All GMIoT students have access to enrichment activities that foster a sense of community as well as preparing them for graduation. As Salford graduates, our learners get full access to the alumni careers support and network. 

How is the University collaborating with local businesses and industry bodies to ensure that the new qualifications align with the needs of digital and tech employers in the region?

We collaborate with local businesses and industry bodies in the development and delivery of the programmes. 通过GMIoT, 学生们从与莱恩奥洛克等雇主的合作中受益, 西门子, GCHQ, 我们还会定期安排来自大全球最大的博彩平台中小企业的演讲嘉宾和参观活动. 

这些课程是在行业领袖的帮助下开发的, meaning every module is carefully considered and will help build the skills needed by future professionals. We are also looking to achieve Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) status for many of these programmes – a new national kitemark status awarded by the Institute for 学徒制 and Technical Education. 

通过我们的全球最大的博彩平台数字教育会员, we are hoping to develop and extend those conversations as we grow the portfolio and welcome more students looking to complete a higher technical qualification. 

Why should regional employers prioritise graduates from the University of Salford's new digital and tech programs? 是什么让你们的毕业生在这个领域的其他毕业生中脱颖而出?

Students have chosen these courses because they are keen to learn skills in a hands-on way and get into the workplace quickly. They see the courses as a way into work and have a real enthusiasm for the industries as well as the course content. They have studied on a programme designed to equip them with the skills the employers are telling us they need. 

了解University of Salford高等技术技能课程的更多信息 在这里.


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